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Groups, Workshops, Programmes and Events

Book your place today

Joining a group or special event can be an excellent way to connect with people and can provide a sense of belonging and understanding as you interact with others who may be facing similar challenges.

I also offer online and in-person workshops, group supervision and case consultations to professionals, working groups and networks. All enquiries welcome.

If there is a group or event that you would like to request please contact me at for further information.

"A space to connect, learn, listen, be heard, witnessed, and inspired"

Special events, programmes and groups offer you the opportunity to explore thoughts, feelings and ideas around a specific theme or issue with others.

There are a variety of reasons why joining a group can make good sense. Groups may be ideal for you if:

  • You want to connect with others who are experiencing similar issues to you
  • You need a cost-effective way of getting some support
  • You can hold a good balance of attention and can listen well to others
  • You just want to be present without the pressure to speak or interact (until or unless you are ready)
  • You do not have the time to commit to regular on-going therapy
  • You are not in crisis, but you would like some support
  • You have finished one-to-one psychotherapy and would like to maintain therapeutic contact
  • You are not quite sure what you need and want to ask others or just listen
  • Support groups can be really validating, a good place to ask others about what helps them and a place not to feel so alone and isolated in your difficulties

There may be more than one group or programme running at any time, but it is advisable not to undertake groups concurrently. Likewise, it may be more beneficial to complete individual therapy before joining additional groups, but this is left at your own discretion.

To book please click on the booking tab and look for the event in the calendar, you will receive confirmation of your booking and instructions on how to join once the booking is made.  No initial assessment forms are required.

  • Maintain confidentiality about what is shared by others
  • Take accountability for what, when and how they share
  • Listen respectfully and non-judgmentally
  • Allow each person space to talk, one at a time, or to remain silent if they wish
  • Respect others, even if you disagree with them
  • Refrain from giving unsolicited advice
If participants are repeatedly unable to adhere to the above guidelines, they may be asked to leave the group and/or offered alternative means of support. Personal threats, offensive or inappropriate behaviour and/or verbal abuse will not be tolerated and such participants will be blocked immediately with no refund.

Support Groups, Events and Programmes



Psychedelics 6 Week Integration Programme

A programme to support integration after using psychedelics. Suitable for those who have used psychedelics recreationally, ceremonially or therapeutically no matter how long ago.

Information Commissioners Office logoThe institute of psychedelic therapyBPShcpcInformation Commissioners Office logoThe institute of psychedelic therapyBPShcpc
Information Commissioners Office logoThe institute of psychedelic therapyBPShcpcInformation Commissioners Office logoThe institute of psychedelic therapyBPShcpc
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